
Abiola Alexander Ajala

Title: Building the Dynamic Capabilities of SMEs in the Field of Food and Beverages in Nigeria: The Case of CcHUB in the Lagos Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Supervisor: Dr. Margit Kirs

Opponent: Prof. Dr. Erkki Karo

Defense: 21 August 2023


Abstract: This study examines the role of CcHUB in building dynamic innovation capabilities of SMEs in the food and beverage (F&B) field in Lagos State. It follows that SMEs in Nigeria's contemporary entrepreneurial ecosystem face fierce competition and obstacles, creating an unfavourable climate and preventing them from matching performance levels. Centring on the dimensions of Teece’s dynamic capabilities (sensing, seizing, and re-configuring), this study answers the question: Whether and how has CcHUB helped to advance the dynamic capabilities and competitive advantage of SMEs in Nigeria’s F&B industry? Second, what are the key preconditions for advancing dynamic capabilities of SMEs in the wider context of an entrepreneurial ecosystem of developing countries? This study adopts a qualitative research method which is a subjective evaluation of the respondents' attitudes, opinions, and behaviour based on emerging questions rather than pre-determined questions. Interviews were relied upon as the data collection instrument, and the data were thematically analysed. The result demonstrated that one key way CcHUB help SMEs learn about new opportunities is via collaborations which they do through a pre-test of emerging ideas and opportunities with the full involvement of these SMEs. The CcHUB fulfils the seizing dimension of Teece's dynamic capabilities framework by weighing opportunity options and choosing the viable ones. To fulfil the reconfiguration aspect of Teece’s dynamic capabilities, CcHUB nurtures the organisational culture of SMEs to restructure its resources by building a dynamic organisational culture which can withstand changes, encourage experimentation and promote support and calculated risks.


Keywords: dynamic capabilities, entrepreneurial ecosystem, SMEs, CcHUB, developing countries